Here are Tangram puzzle files with 2,400 puzzles at no extra cost to the registered users. But if you feel these puzzle files are worth some bucks, please donate any amount of money to any charity especially for children.
Tangram is an ancient Oriental toy which has 7 pieces, 5 triangles in different size, 1 square and 1 diamond. The objective of this game is to form a given shape using all 7 pieces. Thousands of shapes can be made by moving simple shaped pieces around. Only your imagination is the limit.
Each file contains 240 puzzles. Please register your copy of Tangram and find out how many shapes you can build.
Remember that the puzzle file should be open within the application. It cannot be double-click open or drag-drop open.
If you modify this puzzle file using Tangram editor, 'Pick...' will become much slower. Please refer to Tangram Tips to speed up this procedure.
If you have interesting puzzles, please send them to the author so that he can collect them and release another puzzle file free to you.
These puzzle files cannot be sold or distributed for profit without author's permission. Please include this read me file when you give a copy of the puzzle files to your friends.
You can request the unregistered copy of Tangram application in a diskette by sending a diskette in a self-addressed-self-stamped diskette mailer or $5 to following address. The registration fee for Tangram application is $18.